Ca. BRN information

It is imperative and it is time for you to study. Know the legislation that dictates BRN decisions. Be informed of current Bills that will affect your future and the future of nurses coming up behind you. The more knowledgeable you are, the better equipped you will be to make informed decisions and to become a participant in the process you are in. If a nurse remains uninformed or ill informed, they are operating under a false belief system. This is counter-productive and unhealthy. Lack of information locks a person into a mindset where they operate as a powerless victim. You are not a powerless victim, nor are you defined by the fact that a license is being disciplined. That is not who you are. It is a consequence that has occurred as a direct result of an action and it is something that, with your own self discipline, willingness, and determination, you have control to correct. So take the power back, get recovery if you need it.  If you need to seek medical help, do so.  Learn what you need to know, and hold the hands of the Giants next to you who will show you how. Here are various resources of information that are important to know. Please share any additional resources you have for your colleagues on this site. rock-climbers-helping-each-other