Legal Services for Nurses

medical-lawThe Board of Registered Nursing’s enforcement program has the legal authority to investigate and take action against a nurse’s license if it is felt the nurse is engaged in any activity that is unsafe to the public. Although nurses are very knowledgeable in their own area of expertise, it is not likely they would possess the necessary knowledge it requires to defend themselves or to navigate through the legal proceedings of a governmental agency such as the Board of Registered Nursing. The nurse has the right to obtain legal counsel. If a decision has been made to seek legal counsel, it is important that the professional is an administrative attorney who is knowledgeable in the legal aspects of the Board of Registered Nursing. Here are lists of legal resources. Nurses are in need of a larger pool of resources in California. Please contact this site if you have the names of attorneys who specialize in the legal aspects of the Board of Registered Nursing. This site neither supports nor promotes any individual source listed on this site. It is the nurse’s responsibility to research sources and make their own informed decisions.